Dacono, CO
Welcome to Journey Home Veterinary Services

About Journey Home Veterinary Services
Journey Home services the North Denver Metro, Boulder, Longmont, and Brighton/Fort Lupton areas within a 20-mile radius of Dacono, CO, providing compassionate, exceptional care for your beloved pets in your home at the end of life.
Our goal at Journey Home Veterinary Service is to provide gentle, loving passings and, when desired by families, to provide care and therapies for pets during the end of their journeys through acupuncture, hospice, and palliative care.

Journey Home Veterinary Services
Compassionate end-of-life and palliative care in your pet’s favorite place – home.

Pet In-Home Euthanasia
We all hope for a peaceful, quiet passing for our pets in their home, in their sleep, surrounded by those who love them–a home pet euthanasia with Journey Home Vet can provide this experience.
Pet Aftercare
We are honored to help with your beloved pet’s aftercare and body care. We proudly offer two options for your pet’s remains. We lovingly handle cremains and offer home delivery. We also offer body handling assistance for cremation after natural death at home.

Pet Hospice and Palliative Care
Any pet with a life or quality of life-threatening disease or condition may benefit from a hospice or palliative care plan–we want to give more good days to our best companions in the comfort of their very favorite place–home!
Acupuncture, Laser therapy
Veterinary Acupuncture provides a well-balanced approach to pain management. Our acupuncture and laser services help relieve your pet’s pain.
Our veterinarian, Dr. Stephanie Kotas, is certified in Veterinary Acupuncture. Acupuncture creates therapeutic effects such as pain relief, hormone regulation, decreased inflammation, and immune system regulation.

Meet Dr. Stephanie Kotas
Dr. Stephanie Kotas, owner and veterinarian of Journey Home Vet, was born and raised in Colorado and is proud to raise her young family in her home state. She was the kid who always answered, “A vet!” when asked what she wanted to be when she grew up. She graduated from Kansas State College of Veterinary Medicine in 2009, and her passion for veterinary medicine continues to grow. Certified in Hospice and Palliative Care and Veterinary Acupuncture, Dr. Stephanie started working as a home euthanasia practitioner after losing her beloved heart kitty, Rogue and leaned on a similar service during their time of need. She strives to provide exceptional, loving, compassionate service to all her patients and their human families. She looks forward to providing families quality time with their pets guided by hospice and palliative care.

Thank you for your kind words
Your kind words mean the world to us, and we’re so thankful that you’ve taken the time to provide us with feedback.
There aren’t words to express the compassion and comfort Dr. Stephanie and Journey Home provided us when we had to make an impossibly hard decision after a brain tumor diagnosis. It was the best way to say goodbye, even though we weren’t ready.

I am thankful for Dr. Stephanie and the Journey Home team. Saying goodbye to our best friend was extremely difficult, but being able to do so in the comfort of our own home with a caring professional like Dr. Stephanie definitely helped.